I used to itch till I bled.
In junior secondary school, I noticed a tiny rash on my finger which expanded every time I itched. The rash gradually spread to my elbows, my face and then my entire body (even my scalp). I used different steroid creams but every new one I tried out soon became ineffective against the rash.
In 2014, I had another attack and sought the attention of a doctor. I was diagnosed with psoriasis (an autoimmune disease that causes over production of skin) and as a result I was placed on oral steroids.
This time, the rash became worse and I couldn't go out. I could barely even feel my face or talk properly. I wondered what God thought about this, having a pending issue already and adding a greater one. One very clear message I got was "careless trust". I struggled for a while but gave in. I ignored the rash and continued with my regular activities.
A few months ago, I was discussing with a friend and an issue on "the rash" came up. I wanted to show her the dark scaly scar on my fingers. I looked for it but didn't see it. The rash had cleared up!
No matter what is wrong in your life, no matter how bad you think it is, God can never give you more than you can handle because he is definitely with you. You might see the issue as a "problem" but the truth is, God might need you to learn something. I learnt trust. Never focus on "worry". Has it ever added a strand of hair to your head? Instead it makes it grey.
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