Friday, 3 March 2017

We both made up our minds before we met to wait to have sex until we each got married. We had the discussion when we started dating, but had our individual principles before we met. We avoided experimenting, trying this & that or going halfway. Because we had purity in mind, it became our focus during the 4 years of our relationship. 

We had fun as opposed to what people say that when you have a relationship without sex, it will be dry. And it wasn't all just prayer, bible etc., the way some people make it look.

We didn't see too often though, because I was in school. And when we did see, it was in public places - the movies, mall, my parents', his parents' etc. This went on till I finished school and moved to Lagos. 

The temptation became more intense when we were planning our wedding. When you're getting married soon, there's a temptation to let down your guard, just a bit. And I was now in Lagos, so we were seeing more often. The most important thing we had to deal with was our minds. Whether we were getting married or not, we had to remember that we both decided to wait. That helped us a lot. We didn't leave a lot of gap between our introduction and wedding. I think that's a major distraction that happens to people. You do introduction and 8 months or one year later, you do the wedding, and in that space you already start feeling like husband and wife. You start setting up house, spending weekends, and so on, then all sorts of things happen. 

Before the wedding night, we were agitated, worried and anxious. But, we had marital counselling in church and that really helped us. We read a couple of books together. Will I say the first night was wonderful? (laughs). Maybe not, but after like a week after, it became worth waiting for. I can say it has been bliss because daily, we open our minds to how we can satisfy each other better. 

So far, it's been 4 years of major fun, bliss, and beauty. I can candidly say it was worth the wait. 

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